This is where I write about writing, coding, game design, and whatever else I think you might be interested in. Have a request for a topic? Drop me a line, and I'll write a post!
In which one of the most touching birthday presents ever goes horribly wrong.
Every once in a while, it’s nice to have an easy word game. Here’s one that starts easy, but gets surprisingly challenging. It works great in a small classroom or on a family road trip, and is appropriate for all ages.
Pocket games are activities you keep in your pocket, fun things to do during long car rides or whenever the world around you has grown too boring. I didn’t create these games. They’re all public domain classics – but still a ton of fun!
Gesture Race is the perfect game to enhance your daily routine. It’s particularly fun on car rides, or in any situation where the
A fun (and funny) lifestyle game that has players secretly trying to get each other to say certain words. Easy to play, and one game can spice up an entire week!
How do you turn a kid on a bike into a web developer? Well, this is how my dad did it, with links to some of my current work.
I try my best to respond to every piece of correspondence I receive, whether that’s an email, letter, or social media message. If you contact me and don’t hear from back, it means something probably happened to your first correspondence. Please try again!
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