Writing requires a surprising mix of creativity, endurance, and courage. It presents moments both of extreme challenge and of unbelievable elation. I hope these articles can help you with your own writing journey.
We’ve had software to help us with our writing for decades. Is AI any different? Here is one writer’s journey – and a warning.
At the intersection of dreams and goals lies… dream goals. Clever right? I made up the name myself.
Sometimes, the story you’re writing escapes the confines of the page and reaches into your life.
Have you ever found yourself stuck while trying to write a scene? It happens to me all the time. Fortunately, Rafiki Writing is here to save the day.
How do you deal with a blank page? Here’s my answer. Actually, here are my five answers.
What is it that makes dragons so fascinating? As a writer of dragons, I spend a lot of time thinking about this question.
This is currently my most-asked question. Why did I decided to publish instead of pitching agents and publishers. Here’s my answer. I hope it helps you with your own decision!
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