These are my general posts, the ones about life and the random things that happen to all of us. Enjoy!
Sometimes, the cliches are true. Here’s the story of how I lucked into making one work for me.
This thought started with a presentation to a bunch of fifth graders and was finished off by late night fever dreams. What do you think? Am I right?
Have you ever wished a movie was bad? In this case, I would have preferred it to what happened.
Signing autographs is always fun, and talking to kids about Dragon Run raises the fun even higher, but this… this took me to a place I never expected. Wow.
Hey everyone, I’m starting to do appearances at book fairs and schools. Lawton Elementary is on 2/6, with lots more to come. If I’m not at your school, and you’d like me to be, just drop me a line!
Every once in a while, a conversation goes to a surprising place. I’m pretty sure this time, it was my fault.
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