These are my general posts, the ones about life and the random things that happen to all of us. Enjoy!
Interested in an author visit? I’m offering them online for free during the coronavirus!
With everything that’s going on, we need a bit more awesome. Join me in shining a light where it’s needed most.
Hey everyone, just ran an interview with me. I talk about how and why I became a game developer, and give some tips for other game developers. I hope you enjoy it!
We all have to walk away from projects sometimes. It’s great to see this one continue without me!
This started as a New Year’s article, but went quickly to a writing problem I’m struggling with. I hope you enjoy it!
It’s been a couple years since I was published, either as a writer or as a game designer. This quiet period hasn’t been due to any sort of writer’s block or lack of desire. It’s simply been a fact of life. Now, it’s time for me to get back into the world.
A happy thought in a time when the news seems to be an endless stream of dismal darkness.
Have you ever written a poem just for yourself? It’s an idea I never paid much attention to, until now.
I have discovered a new approach to lottery tickets that leaves me in a perpetual state of possibility.
Is this a game? Yes. Is it also life? Yes. Most of all, though, it’s scary. Flat out scary.
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